Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to A Booklover's Wonderland
and Prepare to be
I like to think of my blog, here and after known as "Booklover's Wonderland", as a ball and circus rolled into one. I invite you, my masqueraded guests, to take a long look at the Wonders and Monstruosities (you'll get it once I finish the design of my blog) delivered to us by our beloved Authors.
My name is Marie Laberge (quite coincidently, it is also the name of a canadian author) and I am 17 years-old. I have over 2500 e-books (I won't tell you how I got them) and I have barely read through 30% of it all. I am a french-canadian college student with way too much time on her hands who happens to like stories. Feel free to tell me when I make english mistakes... as long as you're not being bitchy about it, I mean, I am your host at this party after all so be respectful...
My Reviews will be honest and spontanious, which may or may not make everyone happy because I have this tendency to see what's wrong about a book before what's good about it. This results in a lot of articles with the words "stupid", "what the hell?", "WHY?", and "stupid" again (because it often bears repeatin)sprinkled across them.
I will share with you Sneak Peeks of some of my favorite books (I will say this right away: "I do not own any rights to this book..." anyway, you get it ) as well as my personal Predictions as to where the series are headed. Occasionnally, there will be Promotions...though I mostly put it there because it's necessary to blog about it in order to get whatever it is they're
Every once in a while, an Observation I make will come up as an article. Feel free to make some of your own in answer or to share my enthusiasm over the imminent Releases of brand new books.
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