Sunday, December 23, 2012

Funny Scene from "Crazy for You"

“What's with the haircut?” Thea asked Quinn later that afternoon, and Quinn said, “Sometimes you have to do radical things to make people really see you and realize you're not who they thought you were.”

When Thea turned thoughtful, Quinn added, “Which does not mean you should cut your hair.”

“I know,” Thea said. “I like my hair long. But you're right about people not seeing you. I mean, the
whole school probably thinks you're just the coach's girlfriend and the art teacher who fixes things. They don't see you're a real person at all.”

“Thank you,” Quinn said. “That's enormously cheering.”

“Well, now they will,” Thea said. “You dumped the coach and cut your hair. They're going to have to
look at you differently now.”

“We can only hope,” Quinn said.

“I think that wasvery smart of you,” Thea said. “The getting people to look at you differently part,
anyway. I gotta admit I really liked your hair long.”

Thea was up to something, and Quinn didn't feel any more reassured when Jason came up to sign out an X-Acto knife fifteen minutes later, and Thea said sweetly, “I owe you an apology.”

Jason gave her the same nervous look he'd been giving her ever since the movie fiasco.

“You know, for when I asked you to the movies.” Thea radiated earnestness. “I was really using you,
trying to make my life different.”

“Oh,” Jason said, clearly not following at all.

“I just wanted something more exciting than studying all the time. And I figured if I went out with you, there'd be parties, drinking, sex in the backseat, that kind of stuff.”

“What?” Jason said.

“It wasn't fair.” Thea smiled her apology. “I mean, imagine if you'd asked me out to use me for sex.
That would make you a real creep, and here I was doing it to you. So I'm really sorry.”

“Wait a minute,” Jason said.

“It won't happen again,” Thea said soothingly and went into the storeroom.

“She's yanking my chain, isn't she?” Jason said to Quinn.

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